19th Century German Wall Cabinet Front

A 19th century German Front of a built-in wall cupboard in unrestored original condition.


A 19th century German Front of a built-in wall cupboard in unrestored original condition.

High rectangular oak frame with 2 double doors hung on external hinges and moulded cornice. Lower doors made in frame and panelled construction. The upper doors with glazing bars. ‘Gründerzeit’ (Wilhelminian) key plates fitted.

Height: 200 cm / 78.74 inch.
Width: 89 cm or 96 cm (head moulding) / 35.03 inch or 37.79 inch (head moulding).
Depth: 3.5 cm / 1.37 inch.

A very decorative and rare original piece from the 19th century in Germany.


Please contact us by email at kgmarx@t-online.de. We will be happy to submit you an attractive offer incl. transport.